What set Imperial Clinic apart
Imperial Clinic was set up in 1982, we have attained the goal as being Taiwan No. 1 and kept the pace with Tokyo’s health care industry over the past three decades. We have a skilled and compassionate team of professionals who are dedicated to working together to provide our clients with the highest level of care. We have already built up a good reputation in this field and among customers through word of mouth.
Taiwan has become more health conscious over the past years, however patients traditionally had a passive role in their own care, medical knowledge was perceived as being too hard to understand and so the physician’s authority was questioned. The medical malpractice claims has been growing recently, and the intense physician-patient relationship follows. When patients lose their confidence in physicians, they seek care elsewhere. Such a vicious cycle not only can consume medical resource but also cause a treatment delay. Besides that, it also ruptures mutual trust and respect between physicians and patients.
As a private medical practitioner, I deeply concerned about the relationship between physicians and patients while facing such a difficult situation. Several questions occurred to me: “What action should we take?”, “How to revoke the respect and trust between physicians and patients?”, “How to promote the education?”, “How to bring wellness to patients and their families.
Thus we decide to walk a different way, our professional team will be devoted to “heart to heart” and “face to face”.
“Health Adviser” will lead the team to experience and practice the trueness, goodness, and beauty.
Medical science pursues the accuracy. Our team is dedicated to provide professional, delicate, and accurate service. |
We commit to guard our customers’ health with compassionate and heartfelt service as our first priority. |
We provide a cozy and private environment as being in the art gallery. |
Our team aims to work together to write a new page in Taiwan’s medical history through providing an unparalleled and delicate service. We strive very hard to achieve material and spiritual happiness in order to bring a sense of self-accomplishment and the happiness in family, we commit to contribute to a peace and love society.